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Scotty McCreery Interview

Writer: Country Stars CentralCountry Stars Central

(CSC) 1. Thanks for your time! Congratulations on the release of your brand-new album, Rise and Fall. How does this record define you at this current chapter of your life?


(Scotty McCreery)

Oh, man, I think it's exactly where I'm at in life right now, you know, as far as being a dad and a husband and you know, after doing this for 13 years and country music, I feel like I've got a pretty good handle on songs. I want to write the style out of singing and all that. So, to me I think it's the most me record I've made yet.


(CSC) 2. You co-wrote twelve of the thirteen songs on this record with your good buddies in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. Tell us about that songwriting experience!


(Scotty McCreery)

Yeah, it was unlike anything I'd done before. I mean, I don't think songwriting retreats are a new thing. People been doing them a long time, but it was new for me. So just getting out there, you know, in the mountains where you know things move at a slower pace. And you know we put the phones away and all that, and just had our guitars and it was just like buddies hanging out while we were writing country music while we were doing it. So, it's pretty fun. And I think creatively, it took us to a different place. So, we wrote some songs we might not have written, you know, just, you know, in Nashville, or chilling like we typically do.


(CSC) 3. As a songwriter and having enjoyed 6 #1 singles, what would you say is the most challenging component about going in and trying to put together a potential hit song?


(Scotty McCreery)

Yeah, you know I think it's challenging, to not try and go chase what's the hot thing right now. You know, I mean, I've in in my career. I've seen the hot trend change 20 different times; you know. So just as soon as you start chasing something, it's gonna change into something else. So, I think you just have to believe in what you're doing and and right from the heart. And you know, hope people connect to it. And you know I find that typically they do cause, you know, if you're honest with yourself and your songwriting, you know. We're not any different as songwriters or artists than anybody else out there, you know, we all go through the same things in life and challenges ups and downs. And so, I feel like we're a lot more like we are different. And people relate to your honest stuff.


(CSC) 4. While most artists in the business live in Nashville, you've decided to reside in your home state of North Carolina. Why's that important to you and are there any challenges that come with being there versus Nashville?


(Scotty McCreery)

Yeah, it definitely has its challenges. You know, just not being here for all the events and even relationship building, I feel like, you know, I'm not as tight with some folks or artists in the industry as I probably could be if I lived here and was seeing them every day. But for me, it's just my roots are so deep in Carolina and my family’s still there. My friends are still there, my friends, when I was 2 and 3 years old, are my best friends now. Which I think is kind of rare when you're 30. So, it's just it's just where I want to be. And I've found a formula that works as far as how to make records, write songs tour while you know, living there instead of Nashville, and as long as it keeps working, I think I'll stay put.


(CSC) Which part of North Carolina are you in?


(Scotty McCreery) I'm in Raleigh right smack dab in the middle.


(CSC) 5. Congratulations on becoming a member of the Grand Ole Opry! Invited by Garth Brooks, and joined by Randy Travis and Josh Turner for your induction (April 20th, 2024), it doesn't get better than that! What was going through your mind in both those moments?!


(Scotty McCreery)

Yeah, the invitation night with Garth. I was just shocked more than anything. Just wasn't on my radar screen. And just thought it was another normal Christmas show, and would be in bed before you know it. But garth and the opera had other plans which I'm so glad they did. And then, you know, the induction night. It was just such an emotional night, and it was a lifelong dream come true, and I knew Josh was gonna be there. I didn't know Randy was gonna be a part of the induction. So that was a huge surprise for me and an honor, you know, to have a country music legend like himself on stage there. So just an emotional night and dream come true. All my family was there, my friends, it just meant the world to me.


(CSC) Almost full circle, too. I know Josh is like a mentor to you, and I'm sure you look up to Randy Travis, too. It's kind of cool to have those 3 generations of traditional country.


(Scotty McCreery) Yeah, it was very full circle Josh has been a big part of my love for country music, even before I got started doing this professionally and knew all his songs, had all his records… and Randy Travis, you know, is a guy that you know, Three Wooden Crosses was a staple in my shows back in the day when I was, you know, back in Carolina before Idol or anything, so that’s super cool.


(CSC) 6. Being just 30 years old, what does being a Grand Ole Opry member mean to you and why is it important to embrace traditional country music? Thank you for doing that!


(Scotty McCreery)

Yeah, I'm glad to hear that. You know, for me I'm an old soul, even though I'm just 30. I'm very big on tradition, very big on history. And I love the Opry for all that it is, all that it's done for country music. I feel like people, you know, kind of forget about how huge of a role it played back in the day. For the, you know, making country music popular outside of just you know, some small pockets from the South, you know that radio signal went a long ways. So, all my heroes have played there a lot of them are members there. So, to be able to join that family is really, really crazy.


(CSC) 7. Family is very important to you. How did you meet your beautiful wife and what's life been like with your adorable little baby boy, Avery!


(Scotty McCreery)

He's hanging out right here with me. It's so fun. There he is. But yeah, me and my wife met a long time ago in elementary school, I think, honestly kindergarten. So, we grew up together through school and through the years, and were always friends. Our senior high school was when we started actually dating.  But been together ever since and little Avery is 18 months now. And he's just got a big old personality, and he's a ball of fun, a lot of energy, too! Sometimes too much energy. But I think he gets that from his daddy.


(CSC) God bless your family!


(Scotty McCreery) Thank you very much. Appreciate it.


(CSC) 8. How have you all adapted to life on the road living out of a tour bus? Any interesting or funny stories you could share? 


(Scotty McCreery)

Oh, I mean, there's always something. It's a different ball game, you know, going out on the road with the family as opposed to just me and the band, and but it's awesome, you know. We have me and Gabi and Avery. We even bring the dog moose out there a lot of times. So, it's one of those things where you just gotta adapt and learn and try new things. But I don't know if anything is like too crazy or funny or anything. I mean Moose has escaped into the crowd a few times and we were not sure he'd make it back! One night was like a festival of 40,000 people and Moose took a run into the middle of them all and so we were like well, we'll see if he comes back! But he always does! And you know, Avery's done great on the road! He’s a roadie already, and knows the deal with concerts, and loves the music, so that makes me happy.


(CSC) 9. When you think back to thirteen years ago when you won the tenth season of American Idol (May 2011), did you ever imagine your sixteen-year-old self being where you are now!?


(Scotty McCreery)

I was 16 at the audition 17, when it finished. It was the dream, you know. But do you really think it's gonna come true? Is another thing. You know, I always wanted to sing country music. I remember back when it was just again the pipe dream kind of thing. But now, to think through all the years that we've been doing this now, and to be a member of the Opry and songs that are working on the radio. That's probably beyond my wildest dreams this is. It's been pretty awesome.


(CSC) I’m glad to see they’ve made you a member of the Grand Ole Opry. George Jones is my all-time favorite, and I love Joe Nichols, and of course, Josh Turner, but I'm happy to see someone in your generation that will carry that traditional country sound because it’s important!


(Scotty McCreery) Yeah, it. It's the pinnacle of country music and the best stages to play in country. So, I appreciate that, you know traditional countries. What I grew up on, too. So, I've always tried to do my best to blend what I love and the traditional side, and a little bit of what's going on today as well, and try to try to make it all happen.


(CSC) I was blessed to get to know Loretta Lynn. That was one of my first interviews years ago when I started this website, and I got to know her personally to the point where she'd come to town, see her in the area and watch her from the side of the stage, and we've been together on the bus. Prayed together, laughed together, and I miss her. But I'm thankful for those memories, I'm sure, I hope you got to see her live. There was like nothing like it. One of the coolest experiences!


(Scotty McCreery) Yeah, that's one for me that I'm sad. I never did get the chance to see her live. But I'm such a fan of her music and her legacy, and I even named my truck Loretta back home because I just admire her so much so. It is pretty cool. The Opry, I've gotten my mailbox. You get a mailbox when you join the Opry, and my mailbox used to be hers. So pretty cool history right there for me. It's pretty special for a guy that loves history. Like me. That means a lot.


(CSC) 10. You had originally planned to audition in Nashville, but passed because it conflicted with an annual church camp, instead traveling to Milwaukee. Many would look at that as a lost opportunity, but your faith and conviction has blessed you tenfold!! Can you elaborate on that. 


(Scotty McCreery)

Yeah, I mean, I think so. That's it's the number one most important part of my life, you know, is my faith. So, and that church trip outside of just my faith, it was fun, and my friends were there, and if you know me like friends and family and faith, it. It's everything for me. So it wasn't that tough of a decision to be honest, and luckily my dad traveled for a living, so you know he had so many miles with the airlines with, we could kind of fly forever for free with his points. So, it worked out. But and honestly looking back, it wasn't a reason, but I do think there were probably, you know, a million country singers that auditioned in Nashville, whereas in Milwaukee. I kind of stuck out like a sore thumb, so that that might have even helped me a little bit, even though I wasn't thinking about that.


(CSC) I bought your new album on Amazon, it’s awesome!!


(Scotty McCreery) Thank you. It's my favorite one we've made yet, so I'm glad you enjoyed thanks for having us on the cover and make taking the time to interview. That's awesome.


Visit Scotty's official website for tour dates, to purchase his new record and more!

Watch the entire video interview with Scotty McCreery below!

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