(CSC) 1. The new album, “All Over The Road” is coming out 9/18, tell us about it and what can fans expect!?!
(Easton Corbin)
Oh yeah, you know, we have the new record it's called, "All Over The Road" and it will be out September 18th. You know, as far as what the fans can expect, for me as a new artist, I think this album does show growth. With that being said, it doesn't stray away from what people are familiar with hearing me doing. It’s still that comfort thing and it's got that tradition thing to it and that's what I love.
(CSC) 2. What was the initial mindset like for you when deciding which songs to record and what songwriters to collaborate with for the album?
(Easton Corbin)
For me, we had a lot of success with the first record; very blessed, very fortunate to have that. For me, I think it was about going in and you know, like they always say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it,” and going back in and kind of using that same format.
(CSC) 3. Having achieved a great deal of success already, back-to-back #1 hits and ACA (American Country Awards), what do you hope to achieve next to build upon your accomplishments?
(Easton Corbin)
I hope we just get out there and build upon our fan base, you know, I think that's the most important. That what keeps you going; is your fans out there. I think the most important thing is getting the music out to as many people as possible and just trying to build that.
(CSC) 4. Looking back on the early days of your career, who or what do you credit as the most influential during that period in your life?
(Easton Corbin)
My parents and my grandparents and you know I had a lot of great people that surrounded me and helped me to get my foot in the door. As far as artists go; that still influence me and influenced me then, I always say I love Merle Haggard, Keith Whitley and George Jones and that traditional type thing. I just listened to Vern Gosdin right on the bus a few minutes ago, it never gets old.
(CSC) 5. Having afforded the opportunity to tour with acts like Brad Paisley and Blake Shelton, how has that experience given you a greater sense of confidence on the stage?
(Easton Corbin)
Well, you know, I wouldn't say stage fright so much, but you get nervous up there and of course I still get nervous a little bit sometimes. As you do it more and more and more you get more confidence and of course being out there performing with Blake and Brad you get out there in front of those audiences and you just build that confidence up. I think you learn a lot from watching those guys, because they went through the same thing as young artists as well.
Easton Corbin Interview Part II - Spring 2013
(CSC) 1. Great to catch up with you. Since we last spoke, you’ve released your sophomore record, “All Over The Road.” What has been the most noteworthy moment about reaching this chapter in your career?
(Easton Corbin)
Man, still being here, you know a lot of people don’t make it past their first record. I think it's a huge achievement to have the sophomore record out and you know we had a Top 5 record with "Lovin' You Is Fun" on it and I just released my second single, "All Over The Road," which is also the title track. You know, it's just a great feeling to be at this point. I think even better music is yet to come.
(CSC) 2. When you think about the style and sound of this album, why was it so important for you to stay true to your origins as a traditional artist?
(Easton Corbin)
It's important for anybody to know who they are because it keeps you grounded. I know who I am, I feel like I do. I feel like that's what I do, that's me and that's what makes what I do different from anybody else, that's what makes it my strong suit. It's important, I think, to find what works for you and stick with it.
(CSC) 3. What has the reception been like out on the road from your live audiences upon hearing the newly incorporated songs?
(Easton Corbin)
It's been great! It's always a great feeling when people start knowing our stuff and they're singing it back to you. It's one of the greatest feelings. We're starting to have that out there now that this record has been out there for a little bit; people are getting more familiar with my stuff and the reception from "All Over The Road," and the new single has been really huge.
(CSC) 4. What type of a warm up or routine do you follow before you go out onstage to perform?
(Easton Corbin)
I think the biggest thing I do is hang out with the band and get that energy going. I definitely pray before the show because that helps my mind and keeps me grounded. Those are probably the biggest things that I do. I just pray to the good Lord, that's it. For a good show, to bless me, the band, and all these great fans out there.
(CSC) 5. In what way have your early influences both in life, and music shaped you as a person?
(Easton Corbin)
Probably some of my biggest influences in my life would be my grandparents, just in life in general. They helped raise me up and their character is such epical, they really influenced my life in the way I am. They also shaped, with that, my musical taste and what I love in music. I hung around with them all the time, and being in their household; I grew up on Saturday nights. First of all, we would start off with Hee Haw, and then we would listen to the Grand Ole Opry, then after that the Statler Brothers, every Saturday night. My grandpa’s favorite was Roy Acuff, people like that, and my grandma loved Bill Monroe. I was around that music, so not only did they shape my life, but they also shaped my musical influences and what I love in music. Of course, from that, I love Merle Haggard, George Jones, all of those guys, growing up around them, having those records around really shaped who I am, not only as a person, but as an artist as well.
(CSC) When you talk about people like Merle Haggard and George Jones, have you had the opportunity to sing on stage with them?
(Easton Corbin)
I have never had the opportunity to sing on stage with them. One of the first concerts I ever went to was a George Jones concert and man, it was great! It was at Silver Springs down in Ocala, Florida. I don't remember exactly what year it was, probably in high school. We just didn't get the opportunity to go to a lot of concerts around my end of it. We didn't have a lot of people come through there. I do remember that; I remember when he sang, “Who’s Gonna Fill Their Shoes,” it would just give you goose bumps. George Jones has had an illustrious career, a really great career.
(CSC) 6. What is the greatest piece of advice you were given, and how have you managed to live by it?
(Easton Corbin)
Always know who you are and be true to yourself and always keep the Lord in everything you do. Always stay humble, that's one thing. Like my dad always said, "That road you go up, you got to come back down at some point." I think that's always very able advice there. As far as knowing who I am, I think I've done a pretty good job with that in my artistry and my record.
(CSC) It's probably a challenge to remain humble as you become more successful because there are people around you telling you things that sound good to your ears.
(Easton Corbin)
You've gotta keep everything in perspective. It's easy sometimes to get out here and get lost in what you do. You just gotta step back and keep everything in perspective, and not let it get you carried away. It's human nature and easy to do, I think, but you just gotta always keep yourself in check.
(CSC) 7. If we were to browse through your playlist, what artists would we find on it, including country and other genres?
(Easton Corbin)
I love bluegrass, gospel, I love bluegrass music I'm tellin’ ya. I hear some great rock and roll tracks out there. I've got people from The Grascals; I just downloaded some Rolling Stones stuff actually. I love The Grascals!
(CSC) 8. What is one thing you will never do?
(Easton Corbin)
When you say what you will never do, I hate to say that because I never say never. I think something I would never do is compromise my integrity. I always want to stand up for what's right, and try to be who I am. I think that comes with knowing who you are and what you stand for. You've got to stand for that and not compromise; integrity is a big thing especially, and it can get pretty dirty sometimes.
(CSC) 9. In your mind, what would be the ideal career for you and what would you like to accomplish in the next five years?
(Easton Corbin)
I think when it comes down to it, I just want to make a catalog of music that people will always remember and music that makes a difference in people's lives. People ask me about my music; I tell em’ I make music with real life lyrics with stuff that people can relate to, and it's real. That's probably the biggest thing I want to do is make a collection of music that people will remember, and make an impact. In the next five years I don't know where I'll be, but I hope I will still be here making music, and I hope that my career is bigger than what it is now; I think that's everybody's goal is to be as successful as you can.
(CSC) 10. What inspires you to write new music besides everyday occurrences?
(Easton Corbin)
What inspires is love; obviously we love music. It’s almost like therapy in there, writing music, expressing your emotions and things like that, and putting those emotions down on paper into words and melodies.
(CSC) 11. Do you ever hear a song out there that you wish you had written?
(Easton Corbin)
Every one I've recorded I wish I had written, (Laughs), "A Little More Country Than That," that would have been a good one. The song, "A Little More Country Than That" really let's people look through a window in my life. I think as a new artist that was a great song to come out with because it let people know who I am, what I'm about, and where I am from. I didn't write that one, I found that one, well, Carson, my producer, found that one and he said, "I want you to hear this." I heard it and I went, "That's me right there, that's a great introduction to who I am as a new artist."
(CSC) 12. With so much competition out there, how do you maintain a fresh perspective on your standing in the business?
(Easton Corbin)
Again, I think that's where it ties into being yourself and who you are. There's not a lot of traditional country music out there and people doing that. As old as traditional country music is, I think it's fresh right now because there’s just not a whole lot of that out there. That's what I do; traditional country music. Hopefully, I can be a flag bearer for that. Traditional country music is a foundation; its what country music is based on.
(CSC) 13. Later this year, you will be hitting the road with Blake Shelton. This isn’t your first-time touring with him, so what are your expectations for this tour?
(Easton Corbin)
I hope its going to be huge; I know it is. Blake, he has had a lot of success, so I know it's gonna be huge for him out there. It's a huge honor for us, and for him to ask me to come out there and be a part of that and I'm just so excited, I think it's gonna be great!!
(CSC) So you will get just under an hour to perform?
(Easton Corbin)
About 45 minutes. That's a good time slot, I think.
(CSC) Are you friends with him outside of the music?
(Easton Corbin)
Yeah, Yeah, Blake and I have become friends and he is a good guy.
(CSC) 14. Music set aside, where could we find you, and what would you be doing on an off day?
(Easton Corbin)
I've been told enough that I could be riding a motorcycle a lot. I've gotten into that, I enjoy that. I like to do the physical country boy kind of stuff; I like to hunt and fish. When I am out on the road; I am really busy, so when I do get home, I like to just sit on the couch and do nothing.
(CSC) Do you have family by you in Nashville?
(Easton Corbin)
All of my family is back down in Florida around the Gainesville area.
(CSC) 15. What would you like to share with your fans and our readers in addition to what we have discussed?!?
(Easton Corbin)
We've got a new record out called, "All Over The Road" and the current single is "All Over The Road." Of course, you can also check out http://www.EastonCorbin.com , I am also on Twitter and Facebook so check that out. I love going on Twitter, I go on there and I check it every day and respond. The tour is the big thing this year and we are gonna be out on top of the tour and play as many venues as we can.